Go Fly a Kite Right Now!

We got a couple of those ready-made kites the other day, took them out to Terry Trueblood Park and man did they fly! We used to fly kites you had to spend a little time and effort putting together back in the day. It was close to 90 degrees but we barely noticed.

I remember the first time we ever flew a kite. I was in medical school and we lived out in one of the cinder block apartment houses on Hawkeye Drive in Iowa City. They don’t exist anymore. The kite flew like a dream—and got stuck in a tree.

The next time we flew a kite was well after I graduated from residency. We got a kite that I couldn’t stop flying. I flew it in the nearby park, and afterward flew it in our driveway for hours.

There’s nothing like flying a kite.